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Wednesday, December 20, 2023

To Tessa,

 Dear my awesome friend Tessa,

Thank you for our friendship! You are a great sister in Jesus and a cheerful giver.

I wanted to let you know that I will be okay, that God is my Father and your Father and He is with me wherever I go, either Florida or Montana or Tennessee or anywhere. And He is always with you to. He is protecting both of us and you are always always always able to talk to Him because He loves you infinitely.

If you would, please pray for me! That God would make me humble and be let by His Spirit and that I would be joyful and full of love for Jesus! I will be praying for you too, Tessa, that you would be happy and joyful and love your family more and do well in College.

Remember, you will see me again in Heaven and Jesus will be there too and He will be more happy to see you than you will be happy to see Him

God bless you Tessa,

Your old friend, Aiden